HOPE 90-90-90 (Botswana)
Humana has been fighting HIV in Botswana since 2001. Back then it was under the name of TCM (Total Community Mobilisation). In 2005, when TCM activities were completed, HPP Botswana continued the fight against HIV under the project name HOPE Humana. In 2015 HOPE Humana introduced new priorities on HIV/TB prevention, HIV testing and treatment following the UNAIDS targets of 90-90-90.
Nowadays the project has the idea of contributing to the achievement of the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets by providing HIV and TB services in 2 districts in Botswana.
The project encourages people to take control of HIV and Tuberculosis (TB). It also supports people infected with TB to get access to services, to be cured and people infected by HIV to be able to live a normal decent life. Communities are mobilised and empowered to combat HIV/TB through formation of trios and support groups. These groups promote disclosure, adherence to treatment and reduction of new infections.
The project links the facilities and communities to identify people living with HIV, to enrol them into community HIV care and support for viral suppression and TB family support.