In 1998, the first Humana second-hand shop and sorting centre was opened in Vilnius.
The idea was to create a fundraising model based on re-using second-hand clothes, allowing people to buy good quality clothes at a reasonable price, and using the surplus to support development projects. From a single shop and sorting centre, the Humana shop network has now grown and expanded to many other cities across Lithuania.
The popularity and success of the second-hand shops in Lithuania, as well as being a sustainable fundraising model, has motivated us to expand our activities to other countries.
About Us
Humana Second Hand Fundraising Projects is a Lithuanian public establishment that owns and manages the activities of second-hand clothes shops and sorting centers in 13 countries, including Belgium, Estonia, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Kenya, Latvia, Lithuania, Oman, Togo, Turkey, Uganda, and Ukraine. These subsidiaries have more than 272 (Dec. of 2022) retail shops and four sorting centers, and they employ 3,400 people.
We enable people to reuse and give new life to old clothes. We are proud to give people the opportunity to buy affordable and stylish second-hand clothes.
All second-hand fundraising activities are aligned with the circular economy model and we adhere to the correct sorting and re-use of each piece of clothing. In doing so, we lower carbon emissions and thereby contribute to the fight against global warming. The reuse of clothes also helps to mitigate other environmental problems by reducing the excessive consumption of new clothes.
All profits from our second-hand clothes activities support development projects that seek to address poverty, sickness, and lack of freedom.
Supporting Development Projects
The profits from the subsidiaries’ commercial activities are distributed by Humana Second Hand Fundraising Projects to fund sustainable global development projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
The projects are implemented by the members of the Federation for Associations connected to the International Humana People to People Movement. The Federation unites 30 organisations that implement and finance development projects in the areas of health, education, environment, agriculture and community development.
In 2020, Humana Second Hand Fundraising Projects supported 64 global development projects in 11 countries.
Activities in Lithuania
In Lithuania, Humana Second Hand Fundraising Projects operates the public establishment Humana People to People Baltic. This organisation supports sustainable development projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the social partnership program in Lithuania.
Read more about Humana People to People Baltic here
Financial Information
All projects owned by Humana Second Hand Fundraising Projects are organised as limited liability companies. They pay taxes just as any other commercial entity, contributing to the national budgets in the countries they operate. All profits are used to support development projects or to develop the fundraising projects.
In 2022 the organisation donated € 3.5 million to development projects. In addition to this, Humana People to People Baltic in Lithuania donated more than € 4.97 million for development projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Lithuania.