Farmers’ Clubs – Economia Solidaria Velho Chico (Brazil)

Since 2007, Humana Brazil has been supporting families and rural communities to grow together and to become the driving force to improve living conditions. The main goals of Farmers’ Clubs program are to focus on income generation through practicing sustainable agriculture and creating jobs in these communities.

The project supports small-scale farmer families in the land reform settlements in their quest to obtain food security and to generate income to improve their living conditions. The project encourages the family farmers to develop organised club life, including elements such as training sessions, model farming, field visits, low cost sustainable solutions, exchange of collectively gained experiences, personal assistance, common actions and courses, among others.

This project will directly reach 300 farmers, in 8 municipalities of Bom Jesús da Lapa, Paratinga, Ibotirama, Oliveira dos Brejinhos, Muquém de São Francisco, Morpará, Brotas and Macaúbas and Serra do Ramalho.

Development projects