Child Aid Family Planning (Zambia)
Development Aid from People to People Zambia (DAPP Zambia) has implementing family planning within the Child Aid projects since 1990. In July 2015, a Child Aid Family Planning project called SARHAI (Sexual and Reproductive Health for All Initiative) commenced; and will end in December 2019
The project is being implemented in partnership with Ministry of Health (as a key partner on the government side), the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services and the Ministry of Education.
In 2019 the project employed 31 Project Leaders, with one to two in each of the districts. One Project Leader supervises activities in 5 health facilities and works with 30 Community-Based Distributors (six per health facility). The project trained 948 Community-Based Distributors throughout the project period, who are conducting community mobilisations and giving out contraceptives in communities.
The project also worked with the in-school youth clubs (102 clubs) and out-of-school youth clubs (165 clubs), which conduct activities to give sexual and reproductive health information to youths and adolescents on HIV/STIs and unwanted pregnancies as well as family planning. The project further worked with The Community Champions HIV/AIDS Advocates Mobilisation Project (Champions) and condom distribution in communities. A total of 1,455 Champions and 472 shop owners assisted in condom distribution in communities.
During this reporting period, the project distributed contraceptives to a total of 72,684 people and shared information to 249, 415 people. A total of 5,267 women were referred to access different contraceptives from the clinics.